Recharge rates are reviewed by the UCSB Office of Budget & Planning and approved by Vice Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer Chuck Haines.

The FY 24-25 approved rates are as follows:

Service Category CURRENT Approved Rates
AS OF 7/1/24
Estimated Rates
AS OF 7/1/25*
Estimated Rates
AS OF 7/1/26*
Project Managers $173/hr. $182/hr. $191/hr.
Inspectors $126/hr. $132/hr. $139/hr.
Admin Assistants/Analysts $84.40/hr. $89/hr. $92/hr.
Fire Prevention Plan Review Waived** -- __

* This is an estimated (placeholder) rate for DCS to use when creating budgets for future or multi-year projects. DCS will only charge the approved rate.
** Fire Prevention Plan Review rates are temporarily waived effective 7/1/24.